Journal Entry

OK, so here’s the deal. I am going to be using my blog for a while as a journal because frankly, I can’t find a notebook. I am having surgery 3/3/11. That is next Thursday. Before that happens, I need to get this place in order because I will be laid up for a while. Normally, it is very clean around here but my routines have slacked off because of the pain I have been in. So, I am going to get as many things accomplished before work as possible.

    This morning I called work to make sure they had the necessary paper work to take to the doctor so I can get the time off I will need to recover and hopefully get some pay during the weeks I will be off. I pay into a program for short term disability and if that comes through, I will be very happy, if not, that is why I save for things. I have enough money saved up to keep the bills paid for 2 months. I should only be off work 3 – 4 weeks depending on the recovery time. I did however, spend a little money on a couple of new books to read while I am unable to get up and move around. I really dislike not working so I figured I would need something to keep my mind occupied and not simply sleep all the time.

The doctor’s office opens at 8 am so I will call and find out how late they are open and getting the paperwork in there today will be on my to do list.


  1. I have one load of laundry to go into the washer, and another going in the dryer right now.
  2. Do the dishes and put away the clean dishes
  3. Clear the table and the counters
  4. Clean the microwave
  5. Sweep and wet jet the kitchen floor
  6. Pick up and put away anything that doesn’t belong in the living room.
  7. Wipe down the entertainment center
  8. Sweep and mop the living room floor
  9. Simply clean up my room and make the bed
  10. Clean up the boys room (already basically clean)
  11. Get paperwork to the doctor

OK. That is what needs to be done right now. I do have to work today also, so I am hoping everything goes smoothly.